



GreenIT flash

Cut Energy Waste with Power Management

The consulting firm Arthur D. Little reports that PCs waste $5.5 billion of power every year. The average desktop/monitor combination consumes  up to 2000 kilowatt-hours (kWh)of electricity per year, of which 500 to 1000 kilowatt-hours can be cut with simple power management.

Laptop computers are more resource efficient than desktops. A typical laptop with an LCD monitor consumes less than half the amount taken by an equivalent desktop/monitor pair - about 570 kWh per year.

At  2007 energy costs of a little under $0.15 per kWh, a California business with 500 computers could have saved more than $100,000 by switching from free-running desktops to power-managed laptops.


GreenIT Roadmap

Jumpstart your Sustainable IT planning process

roadmapSerious Sustainability Planning begins with baselining your organization’s current Eco-profile. A full set of data details energy consumption, waste patterns, and Greenhouse Gas Emission totals.

A complete eco-inventory is a necessary first step, but the volume of data can be overwhelming, and it may not be obvious where to go next.

The GreenIT Roadmap processes the data from the GreenIT Snapshot and presents it in a format which facilitates discussion and decision-making. Your organization can gauge their progress using the GreenIT Index.

Working from the raw data, the Roadmap presents a summary of usage patterns and evaluates systems for potential savings, time to execute, cost, and difficulty. The Roadmap makes it easy to distinguish between high-potential and low-yield efforts. Using this information, organizations can prioritize their next steps.

By showing how long it will take to achieve results, the Roadmap enables an organization to take immediate action on short term activities while drawing up plans for longer term initiatives.